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Writing Event Handlers

Once the configuration and schema files are in place, run

envio codegen

in the project directory to generate the functions you will use in your handlers.

Each event requires two functions to be registered:

  1. loader function
  2. handler function

Loader function

Loader functions are called via


Loader functions are used to load the specific entities (defined in the schema.graphql) that should be modified by the event.

Entities with specific IDs can be loaded via context.<EntityName>.<label>Load(<id>).

If no labels has been defined in the config.yaml file, then entities can be loaded via context.<EntityName>.load(<id>). You can call this .load function to load as many entities as you want to be available in your handler.

Dev note: 📢 For indexers built using ReScript, use a lower case for first letter of entityName when accessing it via context (i.e. context.greeting instead of context.Greeting).

A single event can be used to load single or multiple entities in the loader (and modify/create as many entities as you want in the handler).

Each entity that is to be loaded by the event must be defined in the requiredEntities field of the event in the config.yaml file.

If you want to load a label with multiple entities grouped together as an array, an arary label is the aproach to go with. This is done by adding arrayLabels with a list of array labels to use with the entity to the label definition in the config.yaml file.

A full example using labels:
# config.yaml
- id: 12345 #Your chain Id
- name: Greeter
# ... other fields
- event: "TestEvent"
- name: "A"
- "allAs"
- "singleA"
# ... rest of your config file
# schema.graphql 
type A {
id: ID!
someField: String!

With that config you could use this in your loaders (and handlers):

GreeterContract.TestEvent.loader((~event, ~context) => {
context.A.allALoad(["id1", "id2", "id3"])
// ... other loaders
GreeterContract.TestEvent.handler((~event, ~context) => {
let arrayOfAs = context.A.allA
let singleA = context.A.singleA

// ... rest of the handler that uses or updates these entities.

Handler function

Handler functions are called via


Handler functions are used to modify the entities which have been loaded by the loader function, and thus should contain all the required logic for updating entities with the raw data emitted by the event.

All of the parameters emitted in each event are accessible via event.params.<parameterName>.

Additional raw event information can also be accessed via event.<rawInfo>.

Below is a list of raw event information that can be accessed:

  • blockHash
  • blockNumber
  • blockTimestamp
  • chainId
  • eventId
  • eventType
  • logIndex
  • srcAddress
  • transactionHash
  • transactionIndex

Handler functions can access the loaded entities information via context.<EntityName>.<label>Load.

If no label name has been defined in the config.yaml file, handler functions can access the loaded entities information via context.<EntityName>.get(<id>).

Dev note: 📢 For indexers built using ReScript, use a lower case for first letter of entityName when accessing it via context (i.e. context.greeting instead of context.Greeting). Handler functions can also provides the following functions per loaded entity, that can be used to interact with that entity:

  • set
  • delete

which can be used as follows context.<entityName>.set(<entityObject>) and context.<EntityName>.delete().

Greeter example

Inspecting the config.yaml of the NewGreeting event, it indicates that there is a defined requiredEntities field of the following:

- name: "NewGreeting"
- name: "Greeting"

Example of a Loader function for the NewGreeting event:

let { GreeterContract } = require("../generated/src/");

GreeterContract.NewGreeting.loader((event, context) => {
  • Within the function that is being registered, the user must define the criteria for loading the greeting entity.
  • This is made available to the user through the load entity context defined as contextUpdator.
  • In the case of the above example, we load a Greeting entity that corresponds to the id passed from the event.

Example of registering a Handler function for the NewGreeting event:

let { GreeterContract } = require("../generated/src/");

GreeterContract.NewGreeting.handler((event, context) => {
let existingGreeter = context.Greeting.get(event.params.user.toString());

if (existingGreeter != undefined) {
id: event.params.user.toString(),
latestGreeting: event.params.greeting,
numberOfGreetings: existingGreeter.numberOfGreetings + 1,
greetings: [...existingGreeter.numberOfGreetings, event.params.greeting],
} else {
id: event.params.user.toString(),
latestGreeting: event.params.greeting,
numberOfGreetings: 1,
greetings: [event.params.greeting],
  • Once the user has defined their loader function, they are then able to retrieve the loaded entity information.
  • In the above example, if a Greeting entity is found matching the load criteria in the loader function, it will be available via greetingWithChanges.
  • This is made available to the user through the handler context defined simply as context.
  • This context is the gateway by which the user can interact with the indexer and the underlying database.
  • The user can then modify this retrieved entity and subsequently update the Greeting entity in the database.
  • This is done via the context using the function (context.Greeting.set(greetingObject)).
  • The user has access to a greetingEntity type that has all the fields defined in the schema.